Wednesday 2 May 2012

Tips on how to catch properly

Since we have taught you about the basic throw of Ultimate Frisbee, let's bring you to explore in catching the Frisbee plate. There are different ways in catching the Frisbee plate.

This shows how a "pancake" catch is.
Firstly, there is the catch that requires the use of two hands. From here, there are many different ways in catching with two hands. One of the most basic catching is called the "pancake"
This catch is usually caught in between the palms of two hands (, 2012).

Other than that, there is the layout catch. This players can either use two hands or single hand to catch the Frisbee disc. This depends on the players choice and convenience in catching. The layout catch is more of a challenge for the player to attempt to catch the disc. This pushes one player to strive their best to get the disc from falling the ground, thus this attempt cause them to impact with the ground where this impact can caused the disc that has already been grabbed by the players to fall to the ground , and this is called the ground strip (Catching, n.d.).
A beautiful lay out done using the rim catch
It is advisable to use a rim catch when a layout is necessary to be done. This is because it is more difficult for the disc to dislodge from the players' hands. A rim catch is mostly catches disc that comes below the waist and it is a better variety of choice of grabbing discs that are close to the ground (UltimateRob, 2010). In such catch, players usually catch their disc by the edge or the rim of the Frisbee disc.

The video clip below shows one of the Ultimate Frisbee catch: The Layout.

EverythingUltimate, 2011

However, no matter what type of catch you do or how you catch the disc, the most important thing is to focus and know the direction of where your team mates will be throwing the disc and prevent it from falling to the ground.
Continue to be amazed with the many hidden talents in Ultimate Frisbee. (2012). The Basics Of Ultimate. Retrieved from,

Catching. (n.d.). 1.Introduction. Retrieved from,

UltimateRob. (2010). The Basics Of Catching. Retrieved from,

EverythingUltimate. (2011). Greatest Ultimate Frisbee Catch Ever. [Video File]. Retrieved,